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Publisert: 06.03.2017 Oppdatert: 13.12.2017


Freer M., Dove H. (2002). Sheep Nutrition, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK

Gjerde B (2011). Parasittar hos sau. Kompendium, Norges veterinærhøgskole, 12. utgave.

Martin, W.B., Aitken, I.D. (Eds.) (2007). Diseases of Sheep, 4th edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK

Sargison N. (2008). Sheep flock health, a planned approach. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK

Scott P.R. (2007). Sheep Medicine. Manson Publishing Ltd, London, UK

Sjåstad Ø. V., Hove K., Sand O., (2003) Physiology of domestic animals, 2nd edition, Scandinavian Veterinary Press

Suttle N.F., (2010). Mineral Nutrition of Lifestock, 4th edition, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK

Taylor M.A., Coop R.L., Wall R.L. (2007). Veterinary Parasitology, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK

Vatn S., Hektoen L., Nafstad O., (2008) Helse og velferd hos sau, Tun forlag, Oslo, Norge

West D.M., Bruere A.N., Ridler A.L. (2009) The Sheep: Health, disease and production, 3rd edition, Wellington , NZ

Winter A., (2010) Halthet hos sau. Tun Forlag, Oslo, Norge (oversatt utgave)